Fempreneur Secrets is Raising Funds on iFundWomen!


Hey ladies!

Fempreneur Secrets began as an idea in 2017, to empower women across the world to start, grow and OWN their businesses. That began on the beaches of Bintan, Indonesia, when I wanted to find something meaningful to do in my life. I’ve been running businesses for 10 years, but the ones that made me happy was when I was on my own terms and making others HAPPY with the change they see.


Listen to the Episode below:


We started just with the simple intention to inspire and guide women step-by-step to overcome their challenges.

Through our podcast show, Fempreneur Secrets, we were able to do that. We started seeing many implement the lessons taught in our episodes. That made us believe that this was working and women needed guidance to start more than they need stories of glorified successes.

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We need your support

We are raising funds on iFundWomen to reach 100,000 female entrepreneurs globally. Help us make that happen by supporting our campaign now


Start from ZERO + Skills

We braced our way through to formulate a business strategy that will work for you. We began by challenging ourselves with this: we wanted to start from $0 and with whatever skills we already had. We wanted to raise funds on our own using the available resources within our means. This really sounded crazy, but the main intention was to inspire and empower you that IT IS POSSIBLE.

Our campaign video was shot with $0. Venue sponsored, models volunteered (they’re all my business friends) and the video crew were doing it probono as well. I used my skills to develop a beautiful and fancy campaign page. Used Canva to make all the supporting collateral while we await a full-on rebranding for Fempreneur Secrets.

Help us hit our goal of $50K

As of now, our campaign is rising and we need your support to hit our goal. Your support will help us


1. Build our core team

and pay them what they’re worth

Fempreneur Circle Membership.png

2. Develop our Signature Membership

Fempreneur Circle is where we deliver courses to guide you towards business success.

Your help will not only allow us to reach more aspiring and established female entrepreneurs around the globe but provide jobs to women and pay them what they're worth.

With your help, we can empower women from all walks of life to become economically independent.

Fun, Cool & Practical Rewards

We have some really cool, fun and practical rewards for you to take part in on our campaign page below! The rewards range from a Fempreneur Circle Membership, to Founding Members Access. Even small contributions are appreciated and will receive a handwritten message from us.

From just $25, you can contribute to our cause to empower women to be economically independent globally. We will Send you a handwritten postcard. For your support, we are truly grateful 💓

I've selected our Top 3 rewards that you’ll benefit from!

#1 - Be a Featured Fempreneur for $100 or more

Be Featured on Our Website & Instagram as a Featured Fempreneur. We will also include a 100-word write-up on your business. This is perfect for you if you’re just starting out and want to tap on our network of women entrepreneurs to grow your business, or just to create awareness about your business!

#2 - Clarify Your Business for $1000 or more

You'll gain access to:

Clarity & Purpose E-Course

VIP Group Coaching + Hotseat

Worth $1500

The course will commence on January 2020.

#3 - Founding Fempreneur Reward for $1500 or more

You'll get:

  1. Lifetime Membership to Fempreneur Circle (Worth $500 annually)

  2. Founding Fempreneur Business Listing for 2-Years (Usual: $200 annually)

  3. All in "Featured Fempreneur" Reward

  4. All in "Podcast Interview" Reward

    • Be Interviewed on Our Podcast with:

      • 1 x Podcast Interview

      • 1 x Pre-roll Ad

      • 1 x Mid-roll Ad

      • Promotion to the episode when it's aired

      (worth $750)

Even sharing is a contribution, so please share and tell your friends about us!

Thank you so much for your support in helping Fempreneur Secrets grow into a successful online-community for all aspiring and established female entrepreneurs.

Your contribution will definitely be felt, as will the change in the lives of our beneficiaries.

We can’t wait to welcome you to Fempreneur Secrets.



Huda, The Fempreneur

Founder of Fempreneur Secrets. Huda is a certified Adult Educator, and have trained entrepreneurs to become visible online since 2012. Huda has over 10 years of experience helping businesses become visible online. She is a digital marketing maven, particularly witty on social media and content creation. Her works have been featured on local and regional media like Marketing in Asia, Progresif Radio, Borneo Bulletin and Berita Harian (Singapore).


S1E34: Subscription Model in Your Business with Nura Ahmad


S1E33: Making it as a Social Entrepreneur with Murshidah Said