S2E6: The 3Cs of Social Media Marketing
In this episode, I walk you through my 3Cs of Social Media Marketing. The tips I share in this episode is applicable to all social media platforms and not just Instagram. As long as you Create Consistent Content, you'll get to the end-game for your social media. Be sure to listen till the end because I share some wisdom behind why you need to be on social media as well!
Listen to the Episode below:
In this episode, you'll hear about:
What Create Consistent Content means
Creating Value
Consistent Delivery
Content that Stands Out
Happy Valentine’s Day! It’s a little delayed but I just wanna say that I love every single one of you amazing Fempreneurs listening to our show. It has been an amazing journey and we couldn’t have hit 1000 listeners without you!
So, this episode is all about social media because you’ve been asking me questions about this recently. Today, I’ll be covering my best kept secret: 3Cs of Social Media Marketing
You may see 3Cs of marketing appear on Instagram recently, but that is not the 3Cs I’m going to be talking about today. The 3Cs I’ve designed here is so simple and easy for you to remember: Create Consistent Content!
Create Consistent Content
By Creating Consistent Content, you’ll see a huge jump in your engagement. Now, each of the words Create, Consistent and Content have their own meanings, so let’s get right to it!
#1. Create
The First C is CREATE
Create here refers to lots of things: creating value, creating loyal fans, creating engaging content. For the purpose of this point, we’ll skip content which we’ll cover in Point 3.
On social media, you want to create value to your audience who becomes your ideal customers. Value is being able to solve a problem they have, or bring them a step closer to solving that problem. For example, let’s say your ideal customers face a problem of designing content using Canva because it’s too complex for them. In your social media posts, you can design it to be a tutorial on designing posts using Canva. That is valuable to the confused person who knows nuts about Canva!
This will lead on to creating loyal fans. Because of the value you’ve delivered, your audience will remember the feeling of appreciation having their problem resolved. You’ve formed a sense of trust in their minds and hearts, and they are now slowly becoming your fans.
Create a strong relationship with your loyal fans by asking and giving them what they want. Listening to your audience has a lot of value and it gives your business an opportunity to grow in the direction that serves your customers.
From social media to customer. That’s the way it should be!
In Fearless Fempreneurs, you’ll learn how to use Canva to design beautiful social media (and more) content for your online visibility. I’ll talk about this at the end of today’s episode.
Become Visible Online
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#2. Consistent
The second C is Consistent or CONSISTENCY
Social media is tricky because you need to be involved in it all the time to see greatest results. Consistency is key in content marketing, especially on social media. We learnt it the hard way many times - when we got busy, our social media engagement would suffer
Consistency is about being present regularly. It can be as aggressive as posting 5 times a day, or as conservative as posting just once a day. Whatever the consistency you decide on, stick to that.
My recommendation is to start with a comfortable schedule. Perhaps daily posts at random hours. As your audience grows and engagement is recorded in your analytics, you get to tweak your post schedule to match when your audience is most active online
Be consistent because that is the link to higher engagement.
#3. Content
The 3rd C is Content
Content comes in many form: photo, video, graphics, illustration, and many more. Social media is a creative’s playground because you can experiment with so many different creative techniques to see which would get the highest engagement.
So, be creative in the way you create your content and remember to share value. The more value you give, the more likely it will be shared or saved on your Instagram.
Creating content takes a lot of time and resources. In my video content agency, we produce lots of content for our clients and we know the amount of effort that goes into it. From the ideation, to writing of script all the way to the final video can amount to days worth of effort!
With that said, creating content is the most important element of social media marketing. Without content, there’s nothing to share on Social Media!
The thing you must remember about social media marketing is that creating quality and valuable content is key to get higher engagement as we’ve talked about earlier. Share value to your audience. Share with them something useful and valuable to help them improve their status in business and life.
There’s just so much to share about content alone that it will take more than one episode to uncover this!
In Fearless Fempreneurs, I’ll teach you how to make full use of your content marketing for online visibility.
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Create Consistent Content
And when you place the three words together, you’ll get the statement “Create Consistent Content”.
When you create value through your content and post them consistently, you’ll be a step closer towards winning the hearts of your ideal customers. That’s the main purpose of social media: as a traffic source to lead to your business. It should never be the main method of promoting your business offer!
So there you have it! Those are my 3Cs of social media marketing: Create Consistent Content.
I share more in-depth knowledge beyond Instagram through Fearless Fempreneurs. If you want to become visible online, now’s your chance! Never before will you have
12-weeks of core training on content marketing and visibility,
group coaching and
lifetime access to updates!
Thing is, we only have 20 spots for this amazing deal! Once it’s up, you’ll have to pay a membership to access the content.
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I'll see you in the next episode of Fempreneur Secrets — Empowering Women Through Business.