Our Rebranding Journey: 4 Reasons to Rebrand Your Business
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When we started in Dec 2017, we were just an idea. Worked hard to make the ideas we've envisioned into reality. Fempreneur Secrets as a brand has evolved from one person's dream to a community of 1200 women's future. We are beyond a podcast and have evolved to be a community to support women entrepreneurs to start and grow their business.
Considering the changes and evolution of our business, our previous brand didn't represent what we believe in. Then, the logo was merely a representation of me as a female entrepreneur who's sharing her personal experience on podcast. Now, Fempreneur Secrets helps women to start and grow businesses through experiences of successful fempreneurs.
Here are 4 indicators that your business needs a rebrand
#1. The business is no longer functioning in the same way as it did previously
When we began in Dec 2017, we were just there to share knowledge. I started all alone. I had an idea I wanted to realise and I was all afraid to get started! I was still focusing on my other business then while keeping Fempreneur Secrets as a side-hustle that I wasn't sure how to make money from!
For one whole year, all we did was brand awareness: creating content on podcast, interviewing women entrepreneurs from Southeast Asia through personal and business contacts.
We had no idea how to earn money from this and thought "Let's just share our knowledge to the world, and prove that there's amazing women entrepreneurs in Southeast Asia". With that intention clear, we set off recording interviews on video. We film first and use the audio as podcast episodes. We spent $500 and stayed in Kuala Lumpur for 3 days to film 3 women entrepreneurs. We took time away from our schedule and filmed a total of 18 Singaporean women entrepreneurs as well.
In Dec 2018, the first episode of Fempreneur Secrets Podcast was aired and it attracts listeners from all around the world. We have since gone to interview amazing women entrepreneurs from around the world: USA, UK, Canada, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore... The list goes on!
By end of 2019, our business shifted to focus on empowering women to start and grow businesses through education. We conducted workshops on digital marketing for aspiring female entrepreneurs within the region. We hosted our first women entrepreneur discussion panel on the topic "Beautiful Business Minds: Why Women Should Start Businesses in 2020" supported by US State Department, Young Southeast Asia Leaders Initative (YSEALI) and Roses of Peace. You'll hear about this in our podcast episode soon! With such a huge shift, we no longer were "just a podcast". We're now so much more.
Likewise, if your business is seeing immense shift from its previous purpose, then it's time to consider a change in your brand.
#2. There are new stakeholders in your business
I started the business alone, but by October 2019, I have onboarded 2 business partners to help me grow the business further. They form a new executive team that shapes the way Fempreneur will be in 2020 and the years to come. We're not ready for an introduction just yet, but an introduction will happen soon.
On top of that, stakeholders were previously mostly podcast listeners from around the world. Now, we have active members of our community who are a part of Fempreneur Secrets community which we call Fempreneur Circle. With new stakeholders involved, we need to make the brand suited to the needs that they have.
If your business has completely new types of stakeholders, it's time to consider a rebrand. Shifting your brand to suit the needs of these new and more common stakeholders would open doors to greater opportunities together.
#3. business values has changed
We had personal beliefs when we began in Dec 2017. These were beliefs that were set by moi and they represent what I believed in personally. How we run, how we behave and how we speak all were set by me — since I was the only one in the business. Now that I have a team and partners, we've designed our company values, mission and vision clearly. It feels really nice because now we're more driven and we know exactly where we're going together.
This isn't a major reason why you should rebrand, but if the values doesn't suit the look, change it by all means!
#4. There exist a clash in identity
When we designed our first Fempreneur Secrets logo, it was purely for our podcast. There was no inclination of it being anything more than that. So, the logo then fit the podcast and what it serves. Now, Fempreneur Secrets is more than a podcast and having the same logo used for both podcast and the brand just doesn't seem right. There was a clash in identity which does not represent what we were really doing.
To be certain, we did a simple survey with our then 100 community members and asked them what they preferred: our logo purely for podcast or for the business. More than 60% said the logo fitted the podcast more than the company and what we represent. We listened to our community members and decided to make the change.
So, lovelies — when there is a clash in identity, it means your identity isn't clear. Either look at it and see how you can improve it OR start over. There's nothing wrong or embarrassing about starting over.
With so much growth and changes to Fempreneur Secrets, can you feel the need to rebrand?! 😍
We're so proud to introduce the brand new Fempreneur Secrets!
This amazing logo was designed by the talented Adilah from Poised Creative. She is such a creative and helped to made our vision of the new brand a reality. We're proud to welcome this new branding throughout our business, because this is what we represent 😍
Five Petals: Each representing one value that we strongly believe in Fempreneur Secrets
Honeycomb Border: Representing community and unity, liken to that of honeybees in a hive
"F": The lines here represents the journey of a female entrepreneur — it's never a straight path and often with it's own curves, ups and downs. But with the infinite support from one another, we can succeed together.
We chose these typeface because they are elegant, modern yet versatile representing the nature of women entrepreneurs. We're expected to be elegant but in so many ways we adapt to being modern and versatile. The choices we make in our career leads to us developing a business that we want to die by, so we can live in financial, time and location independence.
Colour Palette
Adilah and I went back and forth a few times to perfect the colour palette. We're so happy with our choice of red, pink and orange, with secondary palette filled with mint and purple shades.
New Podcast Artwork Cover
We're also so excited to show you our new Podcast Artwork Cover. To see the difference, I placed the old version side-by-side.
OLD cover
So which of these do you like better?
We also made some adjustment to each podcast episode's cover. This way, you get to see how the interviewed guests look like and not just imagine how they look like
We're so excited with the new look! What do you think of our new look?