S4E1: Welcome to Season 4!
It's been such a long-time and we're finally ready to start a new season. In this episode, I'll be sharing you the honest truth about what went on the past year and why I was on a super long hiatus.
We're back and now we're back with a bang!
Hello & Welcome to the new season 4!
Listen to the Episode below:
In this episode, you'll hear about:
The 3 things you can welcome in Season 4
4 of our big wins and what’s in it for you
Welcome to Fempreneur Secrets Podcast, where we share step-by-step and easy to implement business knowledge for women entrepreneurs. Hi, my name is Huda. I am a certified trainer, coach and digital marketing specialist at fempreneursecrets.com. Together with the amazing women that I will be interviewing throughout this podcast, I will be walking you through — or we will be walking you through the easiest things that you need to do to get started in becoming visible online, marketing your business, and also starting to cash in the "cha-ching!" into your business.
So let's dive in today's episode.
Hello, hello! Did you miss me? I know it's been such a long time since we had a conversation, right? Fearless Fempreneurs Show, as well as Fempreneur Secrets Podcast, has been long on hiatus. We took this moment for us to actually take some time to rethink about the things that we want to do here at Fempreneur Secrets and along the way amazing things has happened. So I wanted to record this episode as a great welcome to the new chapter for Fempreneur Secrets Podcast.
Thank you for being amazing!
Thank you so much for being a great listener and have been listening in to the Fempreneur Secrets podcast for such a long time. I still recall the moment when we first started our first episode, I wasn't so lively. I was reading from a script, and I didn't really like the way that I sound.
The changes were largely due to the mindset that I have over the past years that has changed, has evolved and has grown over the past years. I am really, really proud of the things that we have done at Fempreneur Secrets over the past years, since we first began our journey here. So, thank you for being a listener!
Give us a ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐review
If you have enjoyed listening into all our episodes, do me a favor, okay? Go on over to our website, fempreneursecrets.com/podcast. And you want to go over to the episode that you like and give me a ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ on the episodes that you love the most. This helps me know what type of episodes to produce for you.
Apple Podcast
Find “Fempreneur Secrets” on Apple Podcasts and give us that ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ review. Currently, Apple podcasts is still the only place that you can leave a review. That really helps us to grow our podcast even further.
Thank you so much for being part of this journey.
A lot has happened, and that is also the reason why we have been quiet. We took a long hiatus between the previous season and what is to be of today as a Welcome to Season Number Four. This hiatus took place because of COVID-19. A lot of decisions had to be made. A lot of things had to considered. Above all else, we wanted to take this time to take a breather and acknowledge the things that have happened in our business.
We wanted to look back at the past episodes that we have recorded.
Top 3 Episodes of Fempreneur Secrets Podcast:
This is the first episode to welcome Season Four, and this is exciting. It is extremely exciting for us. The journey towards creating content for the Fempreneur Secrets podcast hasn’t always been easy, but it has been worth the damn while.
Listen to the updated Trailer for the Fempreneur Secrets Podcast
If you have followed us on Instagram, as well as caught up with the content that we have on our mailing list, you would have heard about the Fearless Fempreneur Show. So, we launched the Fearless Fempreneur Show last year at the height of the lockdown. So, we had the show Fearless Fempreneur on our Facebook, we went live on Facebook. We went live on Instagram and it was a means for us to get to know women entrepreneurs, what are the things that make them amazing and make them stand out. So those were the things that we worked on previously in the Fearless Fempreneur Show.
And then, now we are back again to repurpose and realign ourselves back to Season Number Four. So in today's episode, I want to talk about the three things that you can see and welcome in Season Number Four, plus, I'm also going to share some updates that took place at Fempreneur Secrets.
#1. More emphasis on Mindset, Strategies & Actions
So the first thing that I wanted to share is that the episodes are going to have more emphasis on mindset, strategies, and actions. I know for some of you who have been following our episodes from the very beginning that our episodes are very strategic. It has lots of step-by-step and it encourages you to take actions at the same time, but we were missing one element, which is mindset.
When I have interacted with you, the community, the listeners of our podcast, I have learned that you do need some support in the mindset portion of things. Mindset comes in many different forms, but what you will be hearing in Season Number 4, of Fempreneur Secrets Podcast is that there is going to be lots more energy related topics.
We're going to talk about energies – the masculine and the feminine energies –and how we can create a balance between the two, to rise a champion as a woman entrepreneur in this space. We are also going to talk about vibrations and how energy transfers from a place of higher concentration or high energy down to low energy levels. We want to make sure that we are always at a high vibration or high energy position before we pass down our energies and resources and knowledge down to you.
We’ll also interview more women entrepreneurs on this topic and how that can be further utilized and further enhanced, for the purpose of growth. More fun coming up at Fempreneur Secrets Podcast.
#2. Interviews with Even More Women Entrepreneurs
We are going to be interviewing even more women entrepreneurs and our community members. I created a Facebook group to also celebrate our Fearless Fempreneur Show and some of you have already joined the group.
So inside there, we have interviewed so many amazing women entrepreneurs, and now we want to take this opportunity for us to also shine some spotlight on the amazing community members who have taken so much action to grow their business, pursue their dreams and reach goals that they have envisioned.
We want to hear from people who are just 1, 2 and all the way up to 5-steps ahead of us, instead of women who are 10, 20, even 30 steps ahead of us. So, join the Facebook Group to interact with these amazing women entrepreneurs.
#3. Multiple Durations of Episodes
The third thing that you can welcome here in the new season is that we are going to be testing multiple durations of the episodes. Don’t be alarmed when you see some episodes that are shorter than the others, and some episodes that are really, really long. We want to use this as a gauge for us to see how much you listen.
If you really enjoyed the episode, it's natural for you to listen in all the way until the end of the episode.
But if it got you bored for a moment, then you would naturally drop off. So those are signs and hints that we will take from you. If you really are not paying attention to the episode, please don't listen to it, okay? 😉
Be fully focused and give yourself a fullest attention possible for you to harness and gain the knowledge that you can gain from the Fempreneur Secrets Podcast. So those are the three things that you can welcome in Season Number Four.
Some Key Updates
We want to share some of the wins that took place and some of the things that are happening, where you can come in, to be part of the movement.
The movement for Fempreneur Secrets is to empower more women to have access to business education. This big movement that we have coincides with the movement of empowering women to invest in their own business learning. And for those who cannot afford to invest in themselves, they will be put under our beneficiary program, which I will talk about later.
So there are multiple ways in which you can contribute and, you can support our movement towards a Fearless Fempreneur World.
I was featured on Channel News Asia Lifestyle (Yes, this is a big deal in Asia!)
I was featured on Channel News Asia lifestyle. If you do not know what this is, CNA is a news broadcasting network here in Southeast Asia, based in Singapore. There are a lot of topics surrounding the political events, economic matters, lifestyle just like the one that I've been interviewed on about people who are living in Asia.
Now this story, my personal story has moved so many of you to share your stories with me. I appreciate every single one of your stories. I read them personally, and that Channel News Asia article really changed the perspective of a lot of you. You came forward and booked a Feminine CEO Chat because you wanted to work with us and start a business.
It’s nice to see that you wanted to stop giving yourself excuses and finally start the business that you dream of.
Now, against all the odds at that time (referencing to the article), I was still able to start a business. This is exactly what I wanted to bring forth in the first part of another episode, that you can begin your business with zero resources, sorry, not zero resources with $0, with whatever available resources that you have.
It is more than possible for you to achieve all of that. You are just ignoring your wishes. You're just ignoring your own dreams because of a lot of factors, because of the fears that you have, because of the thoughts that you have feed your own mind, because of the saying that people have been telling you, or, because of the doubts that you have in their own minds.
Let me put this in your mind.
All those doubts, they were seeds that you plant in your own mind, they were seeds that you plant in your own mind. They are not real. They are not real at all. You are just preventing yourself from seeing success because it's a defense mechanism.
Your mind is designed in such a way to prevent you from harm. The fight or flight risk is the kind of things those human beings are designed to have. But now is the time for you to challenge that notion. There is nothing wrong with trying. And there is nothing that's supposed to be holding you back. You determine your future, and your future is in your hands.
If you choose to succumb to all those seeds of doubts that you have planted in your minds, then the result of the future is also in your hands.
So I want to encourage you to build a future that you truly want to see, a future that you desire for your own self, your family, and your loved ones. You want to see that future into a reality, and that is more than possible, but it has to start with your mind.
You have to get rid of all those seeds of doubts and you have to take that step forward. Trust the process and have faith that you will be able to achieve those dreams.
We Won the Young Social Entrepreneur Grant
A second win that took place was that I won the Young Social Entrepreneur Grant by the Singapore International Foundation. I talked about the win here.
With this prize grant, we can develop our beneficiary program. This has been something that we were working on for quite some time now. And with the grant, we can now welcome our plans at a much earlier timeframe than we have planned.
We are looking for volunteer mentors
So if you have experience at least two years of experience in running a business or leading a team, you can volunteer your time to mentor these amazing women who are aspiring entrepreneurs. They just happen to be groups of women who belong in low income households in Asia. Come forward, be a volunteer. As you are volunteering and mentoring these women, you will also receive a curriculum that can help you get more structured towards helping these women build and launch a business online.
Sometimes these women, you know, when they are going through financial difficulties. Their mind, the journey, as well as the energy that they are carrying may influence them to do certain things. And I don't want that to happen to them because I have gone through the moments as well as the struggles of making bad decisions, because I was desperate to see a bright future.
That's why, if you are very keen to be a volunteer mentor, you must go through our curriculum. You must be approved and you must apply of course, first of all. So if you're interested to apply, you can go to fempreneursecrets.com/apply.
Apply as a Rising Fempreneur
If you are listening in right now and you sound like the women from low-income households in Asia, who would like to start an online business.
I invite you to apply to be a Rising Fempreneur. You are going to go through a curriculum that is going to help you from wherever you are to launch your online business. And not only that we have a six month follow up after the end of your actual program, to make sure that you will make the money that you desire, that you have stated to all of us that you wanted to achieve.
So if this sounds exciting and sounds like something that you really want to do, go on over to fempreneursecrets.com/apply. And I want you to be honest and explain to me why this would be a great fit for you and share with me openly about the situation that you are going through. So go on over to fempreneursecrets.com/apply.
New & Improved Fearless Fempreneurs Membership
The third thing that is really a great thing that is happening is that we are welcoming the new and improved Fearless Fempreneurs Membership. Over the last year, we have been pilot testing for the Fearless Fempreneurs Membership and some of you have onboarded as a lifetime member. So based on popular requests and feedback from the community in the pilot testing, we found that all of us are entering the community or into the world of business at different stages in our lives.
And because of those different stages in our lives, we require different things. We require different levels of support. So as a result, we have decided at Fempreneur Secrets to offer the Fearless Fempreneur Membership with an annual and monthly price plans
We're going to start off first with two-tier price plans
So if you need more hands-on support and guidance, you can opt for that Fearless Fempreneur plan. Now, this is the highest tier possible that comes with group coaching and an optional add on, for our exclusive mastermind. So if this sounds a little bit more like you, you need the hands-on support and you would just want someone to be sort of like screaming at you as well as have the community support to push yourself forward.
Then this tier will be perfect for you. And if you are just starting out and still juggling your nine to five. You have limited time to spend every single day, on your loved ones on yourself and on your business. Having said that on average, women who are juggling their nine to five and wanting to build their business, seem to have an average of about five to 10 hours that they can commit every single week.
This means also, that you have an extremely limited number of times every single week. And therefore, you would want to take up or opt for the self-study version of our Fearless Fempreneur Membership, which is called the Solopreneur plan. Now in this Solopreneur plan, you will have access to self-paced, self-learning, classes and courses.
Some of them are prerecorded from our live sessions. So you have to go through them on your own, take down your own notes, apply some of the strategies that are being talked about and go up there to achieve them. You've got to be disciplined when it comes to this level, right? So if you do not meet the kind of like group coaching, as well as an add on for an exclusive mastermind, then you want to just go ahead with this solopreneur plan.
You still have access to our private Facebook group that is only reserved for the Fearless Fempreneurs members. So, you will be able to still connect with them, grow your own business network, expand your horizons as well. All right? So if this sounds exciting, you want to go on over to fempreneursecrets.com/membership to learn more.
And finally, my most sought after program, which is the Profitable Fempreneur group coaching program is now open for enrollment. So this Profitable Fempreneur program is a 12-week intensive where I will guide you and mentor, support, consult and coach you so that you will move from zero to launch your business.
This is much more hands-on and you will have direct support to me. So if you are in the process of ideating and you don't want to waste time and you don't want to waste money, you want to sign up for the Profitable Fempreneur program. We only have 20 spots every batch.
So you want to be sure to apply at fempreneursecrets.com/visibility.
Now you may be wondering what the Profitable Fempreneur program is? Why is it 12 months? And why is it 12 weeks intensive? And what can you gain out of all of this?
So for you to have an answer to this, I encourage you to book a call with me or our Fearless Team. So, this is a great way for you to ask all the questions that you have and gain a little bit more clarity into the program. Now here's the fun fact, I would say. Some of the results that we gain from coaching our mentees or coachees in the Profitable Fempreneur coaching program are phenomenal.
So like for example, we've got one amazing lady, I shall not name her. She is only one month into the program right now. Right now we're just one money to the program. So on lesson number two or session number two, she has already launched her website. She designed it on her own from scratch in 48 hours, proving to you it's more than possible for you to do that.
And she started doing research to find out whether there's a validation in the product idea that she has. And then she started to sell, and she was amazing. By session number three, she was sold out. This is the kind of results that you can get with the Profitable Fempreneur group coaching program. It's 12 weeks intensive, but it requires your dedication.
The ideas are yours, the actions are yours to take. I can only do so much to guide you to point you in the right direction, but the action needs to be done by you. So this program is only on an application basis. You will be accepted into the program after we have validated and gone through all the steps that we have internally. It is not open to everyone.
This is only for serious action takers and people who are driven to see success in their future. We only have five spots available every single month, which is what I shared earlier and it's really interesting also. Last month I was sold out like really sold out. And the funny thing is, I've not even marketed it yet.
So there are amazing things that can happen and take place in your own business as well when you work together with us, with your Profitable Fempreneur group coaching program. So if you want to learn more about this, book a call with us. So go to Fempreneur Secrets Instagram, and then click on the Book Now button for you to book a Feminine CEO Chat with us. This is where it gets really, really exciting, where you get to learn about us, you get to learn about the programs and you also will be able to learn about your blind spots that you are not seeing that's actually causing you to be stuck wherever you are.
So that's the exciting part. So all of those things have already been shared and there was, these are the exciting things that we're going to see in Season Number Four. Lots, lots, and lots of fun we're going to have, we're going to, every now and then, I'm going to bring one of my team members to come on board and have a discussion with us and then I'll let them ask me some questions as well.
Share with us what are some of the challenges that they are going through themselves in their career and, uh, in the way that they're thinking or some of the common pitfalls that they see as they are responding to your own questions in our community, by emails and so on.
So it's really exciting times ahead. So if you liked and enjoyed any of our episodes, I would really love it if you can give us a five-star review on Apple Podcast. It would help us to know what kind of episodes that you like and that we can continue to produce.
And if you're listening in via Spotify, I would really, really love it if you can just click on that follow button for you to consistently receive updates when we launch new podcast episodes. And if you are listening in via the Apple podcast, click on the subscribe button for you to keep updated on any new episodes that we release.
So with that, remember to keep learning and keep believing in yourself because the world needs an inspiration just like you. Stay fearless.
What do you think?
“Keep learning and keep believing in yourself, because the world needs an inspiration just like you.”
I'll see you in the next episode of Fempreneur Secrets — Empowering Women Through Business.